Fundraising Strategies in the Age of Trump

Fundraising Strategies in the Age of Trump

The abrupt halt in federal funding has left many nonprofits scrambling as the private philanthropy/public funding model breaks down. Organizations largely dependent on federal funds may be forced out of business, creating the need for other organizations to quickly develop innovative fundraising strategies to help fill in the void created by this catastrophic shift in federal funding.

Whether or not your organization receives federal funding, this change will have both short-term and long-term impacts to the entire philanthropic sector. The Chronicle of Philanthropy offers critical insights to help nonprofits rethink their fundraising strategies in this new environment.

Fundraising Strategies in the Age of Trump

  • Importance of Planning: Nonprofits should gather their boards, executive staff, and fundraising teams to plan for a changed funding environment through scenario planning and cash-flow analysis.
  • Identifying Essential Services: Organizations need to identify critical services that must be sustained and explore alternative funding sources, including individual donors, foundation grants, and corporate grants.
  • Building Reserve Funds: Nonprofits should create or strengthen reserve funds by allocating excess fundraising to reserves or seeking specific donations for this purpose.
  • Communicating with Supporters: Nonprofits must clearly communicate the potential impact of federal funding shifts to current and potential supporters without appearing desperate.
  • Proactive Grant Requests: Nonprofits should proactively ask foundations for flexible funding and discretionary dollars, especially if they face losing federal funding.
  • Collaborative Grant Applications: Organizations should consider partnering with others, even those outside the current administration’s priorities, to strengthen their grant applications.
  • Advocacy Coordination: Nonprofits should coordinate fundraising and advocacy efforts, encouraging supporters to contact elected officials about the importance of their work.

To navigate these new challenges, nonprofits must stay informed and adaptable. Effective fundraising strategies in the age of Trump are essential for the survival and growth of your organization. For more tips and advice on dealing with these turbulent times, please contact anyone of our knowledgeable experts!