Creative Ideas for your next Direct Mail Campaign

Creative Ideas for your next Direct Mail Campaign

Believe it or not in this digital age, people still get a box full of mail pieces. Direct mail is an effective way of getting your physical message into the hands of individuals around the world. Who doesn’t still like to get mail (that isn’t a bill)? NOW, getting your creative piece to stand out from all the others and have them opened is the challenge.

Research shows that approximately two-thirds of marketers believe that direct mail will bring in the highest returns.

Here are some creative direct marketing ideas.

Here are some creative direct marketing ideas.

1. Interactive Postcards:

Sometimes sending a simple, creative and effective postcard can be the most direct way to get your audience’s attention. Let’s face it, we are all busy these days and don’t have time for long letters. A postcard will state your message quickly and effectively.

2. Make it Personal:

Everyone likes to feel important. Taking the time to “know their name” makes anyone feel this way. So, customize the piece with name and, if possible, specifics to the region they live in.

3. 3D Mailers:

This could just be making the envelope a texture for the donor to “feel” the difference from all the other mail pieces that they are holding.

4. Storytelling:

Telling a personal story, along with photos, of someone or something is a powerful way to get your donors attention. It will make them aware “THIS” is where the donation is going to help.

5. Brain Teasers:

This could be just a teaser on the envelope that poses a question for the donor to think about before opening, but makes the donor open the piece for the answer or reaction.

6. Surprise Gift:

Having a gift inside is a great way to get the donor to open your piece and overlook other mail pieces. People still like address labels, greeting cards and pens. (My favorite is notepads).

7. QR Codes:

QR Codes are like “secret keys” for the “tech wizards” to get immediately to your website and donate right then. Let’s be honest, if you put your mail down saying, “I’ll send a donation after I get in and settled”, who doesn’t get side-tracked, forget and it never happens! So, let’s get them to your site immediately.

Direct Mail Campaigns are here to Stay!

Direct mail remains the most effective tool to get results. These are a few and effective ways to get your direct mail piece to stand out, to get your donors to open and donate today. Along with these ideas, make sure you make your message clear, design visually captivating layouts, use eye-catching headlines and images and test ideas and see what works best for your campaign.

Did you enjoy reading this article and would like to read more like it? Try reading What stands out in the mailbox? or Harnessing the Power of QR Codes.